Teaching and Examining
University of Durham (1967-70, 1972-75)
Seminar Courses:
Political Sociology
Industrialization and Development
Introduction to Sociology
Sociology of Industrial Societies
Sociological Theory;
University of Sussex (1971)
Social Stratification
St Peter’s College and University of Oxford (1975-2010)
University Lecture Series:
Finding your way through Capital vol. 1
Marxism in Germany and Russia, 1881-1921
Bentham, St Simon, and Mill
Politics in Sub-Saharan Africa (Classes and Lectures)
Seminars for M Phil, Development Studies.
Theories of Development [for M Phil. Development Studies]
Rural Societies
Tutorial Teaching:
Introduction to Politics
Comparative Government
Theory of Politics
Political Sociology
Politics in Sub-Saharan Africa
From Bentham to Weber
Sociological Theory.
University of Oxford. Teaching Award 2008.
University of the Witwatersrand (1991)
Sociological Theory
University of Stellenbosch (1995)
M.A. in Rural Sociology Sociological Theory
Rhodes University (1997)
M.A. in Rural Sociology Rural Sociology
M.A. in Social Policy Graduate teaching
Politics 25, Sociology 25, International Relations 2, Development Studies 2, Management and Industrial Relations 1, History 1, Social Policy 1. Total 47
Subjects by countries: Africa general 1; Nigeria 11; South Africa 11; India 5; Tanzania 3; Zimbabwe 3; Mozambique 2; Zambia 2; Colombia 1; Ethiopia 1; Ghana 1; Guinea-Bissau 1; Kenya 1; Kenya/ Uganda 1; Peru 1; Swaziland 1; UK/ SA 1.
Students origins: South Africa 12; UK 9, Nigeria 6; USA 5; Canada 3; Australia 2; India 2; Zimbabwe 2; Ethiopia 1; Kenya 1; Peru 1; Colombia 1; Norway 1; Portugal 1.
Completed Masters theses supervised (University of Oxford): 36.
M Phil: Politics 11, Development Studies 10, Sociology 3, International Relations 2, Philosophy 1, Social Policy 1. M. Litt. Politics 4, M Sc Politics Research 4.
* = joint supervision
1983 Abebe Zegeye, St Peter’s
Social change and revolution in Ethiopia. (Sociology)
1985 Ray, Rabindra, Lincoln
The Naxalites and their ideology: a study in the sociology of knowledge. (Sociology) Published Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1988, repr. 1992.
1985 Watkins, Kevin, St Peter’s
India: colonialism, nationalism and perceptions of development. (Sociology)
1986 Hatendi, David, University
The political impact of foreign capital (multinational corporations) in Rhodesia, 1965- 1979. (Politics)
1986 Bagobiri, Paul,* Templeton
The restructuring of unions in Nigeria and its subsequent impact on industrial relations practice: a study of some enterprises in Kaduna State. (Management & Industrial Relations)
1987 Jones, Jocelyn, St Hilda’s
The peasantry, the party and the state in Guinea-Bissau. (Politics)
1987 Hewitt, Vernon, St Peter’s and Nuffield
Locating the internal emergency: Indian politics and the Congress, 1967-1977. (Sociology) Published (and updated) as Political Mobilisation and Democracy in India: States of Emergency. Routledge, 2008.
1987 Leadbeater, Simon, St Antony’s
Government policy, intercorporate finance and the Indian cotton mill industry, 1947- 1966: a political economy of industrial decline. (Sociology) Published as The politics of textiles: the Indian cotton-mill industry and the legacy of Swadeshi, 1900-1985, Sage Publications, India, New Delhi, 1992.
1987 Ashforth, Adam, Wadham
On the ‘native question’: a reading of the grand tradition of commissions of enquiry into the ‘native question’ in twentieth-century South Africa. (Politics) Published as The Politics of Official Discourse in South Africa, Oxford University Press, 1990.
1988 Bryceson, Deborah, St Antony’s
Food insecurity and the social division of labour in Tanzania, 1919-1985. (Sociology) Published Macmillan/ St Antony’s College, 1990.
1989 Zelikow, Daniel, Lincoln
The political economy of business regulation in Nigeria: an examination of the Nigerian Business Enterprises Promotion Decrees of 1972 and 1977. (Politics
1989 Muthien, Yvonne, Christ Church
Pass control and resistance, Cape Town 1939-1965 (Politics) Published as State and Resistance in South Africa, Avebury, 1995.
1990 Mustapha, Abdul Raufu, St Peter’s Peasant differentiation and politics in rural Kano, 1900-1987. (Politics)
1990 Abdul Raheem, Tajudeen, St Peter’s Politics in Nigeria’s Second Republic: the emergence of political parties. (Politics)
1991 Francis, Elizabeth,* Somerville Migration and social change in Koguta, western Kenya.(Sociology)
1991 Scott, Jennifer,* New The Black Sash: a case study of liberalism in South Africa, 1955-1990. (Politics)
1993 Ruiters, Alistair,* Oriel
The development and politics of black co-operatives in South Africa, 1906-1990: a critical examination of the relation between social movement support and the formation and failure of co-operatives. (Sociology)
1994 Barrell, Howard,* St Antony’s
Conscripts to their age: African National Congress operational strategy, 1976-1986. (Politics)
1994 Stephen, Michael,* Pembroke
Between tradition and modernity: politics and citizenship of the Swazi land community. (Politics)
1995 Mailafia, Obed,*
Structural change and EC-African relations, with particular reference to Zambia, 1973-1991. (International Relations) Published as Europe and Economic Reform in Africa, Routledge, 1997.
1995 Cravinho, Joao, St Antony’s
Modernizing Mozambique: Frelimo ideology and the Frelimo state. (Politics)
1996 Clough, Paul, Brasenose
The economy and culture of the talakawa of Marmara [Nigeria]. (Sociology) Joint Runner-up. Audrey Richards Prize (African Studies Association of the UK) 1998. Published as Morality and Economic Growth in Rural West Africa: indigenous accumulation in Hausaland. Berghahn 2014.
1996 Bernal, Fernando, St Antony’s
The Sociology of Economic Life: Eastern Cundinamarca [Colombia]. (Sociology)
1997 Sundet, Geir,* Exeter.
The Politics of Land in Tanzania (Politics)
1997 Israel, Mark, Balliol.
The Margins of Exile — How South Africans Live in Britain (Sociology) Published as South African Political Exiles in the United Kingdom, Macmillan and St Martin’s Press, 1999
1998 Watson, Ruth, Oriel
Chieftancy Politics and Civic Consciousnes in Ibadan History, 1829-1939 (Modern History) Audrey Richards Prize (Royal Africa Society) prize, 2000 for best thesis in African studies in Britain, 1998-99. Published as ‘Civil Disorder is the Disease of Ibadan’: Chieftaincy and Civic Culture in a Colonial City. James Currey, 2003.
1999 Dinerman, Alice, St Antony’s
Objects and Relations of State Rule: Official History, Revisionisms and Rural Political Authority in Post-Independence Mozambique, 1975-1994. (Politics) Published as Revolution, Counter-Revolution and Revisionism in Postcolonial Africa: The Case of Mozambique, 1975-1994. Routledge, 2006.
1999 Adebajo, Adekeye, St Antony’s
Pax Nigeriana?: ECOMOG in Liberia, 1990-1997 (International Relations) Published as Liberia’s Civil War: Nigeria, ECOMOG and Regional Security in West Africa (Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder, 2002)
1999 Yngstrom, Ingrid,* Nuffield
Gender, Land and Development in Tanzania: Rural Dodoma, 1920-1996 (Sociology).
1999 Klein, Lisa, St Antony’s
Making Sense of Affirmative Action: Reflections on the Politics of Race and Identity in South Africa (Politics)
2000 Enthoven, Adrian, St Peter’s
The Limits of Local Negotiation: Political Transition in Metropolitan Johannesburg (Politics)
2000 Monica Kathina Juma, Pembroke
The Politics of Humanitarian Assistance: State, Non-state Actors and Displacement in Kenya and Uganda, 1989-1998 (Politics)
2001 Sara Rich Dorman, St Antony’s
Inclusion and Exclusion: NGOs and Politics in Zimbabwe (Politics)
2002 Ike Okonta,* St Peter’s
The Struggle of the Ogoni for Self-Determination (Politics) Published as When Citizens Revolt: Nigerian Elites, Big Oil and the Ogoni Struggle for Self-determination. Transaction Books, 2008.
2004 Kate Meagher,* Nuffield
Identity Politics: Informal Manufacturing and Social Networks in South- eastern Nigeria (Sociology) Runner-up. Audrey Richards Prize (African Studies Association of the UK) 2006
2005 Kathryn Nwajiaku, Nuffield
Oil Politics and Identity Transformation in Nigeria: The Case of the Ijaw of the Niger Delta (Politics)
2005 Lindsay Whitfield, St Antony’s
Democracy As Idea And Democracy As Process: The Politics Of Democracy And Development In Ghana (Politics)
2006 Angus Selby, Brasenose*
Interest Group Politics and Land Reform in Zimbabwe (Development Studies)
2006 Felipe Portocarrero * St Antony’s ?
Wealth and Philanthropy. The economic elite in Peru, 1916-1960 (Sociology)
2006 Ruth Marshall, St Peter’s
The Politics of Pentecostalism in Nigeria, 1975-2000. (Politics)
Shared Audrey Richards Prize of the African Studies Association UK, 2008. Published as Political Spiritualities: the Pentecostal revolution in Nigeria. University of Chicago Press, 2009.
2006 Buntu Siwisa St Peter’s
‘This is People’s Water’: Water Services Struggles and the New Social Movements in Mpumalanga, Durban; 1998-2005 (Politics)
2008 Robert van Niekerk * Lincoln
Social Policy and Citizenship in South Africa: The Development of Inclusive, De-racialised Social Policies in the periods 1939-1961 and 1989 to 1998. (Social Policy)
2009 Swagato Sarkar * St Antony’s
The Limits of Politics: Domination and Resistance in Contemporary India.
(Development Studies)
2009 Timothy Sizwe Phakathi*! Green.
Workplace Change Initiatives in a Post-apartheid South African gold mine: Production, managerial and shop-floor practices (Sociology)
2009 Alastair Fraser, St Antony’s and Merton.
Prefab Politics: poverty reduction strategies and the limits of donor-built civil society in Zambia, 1999-2009 (Politics)
2010 Ruth Hall, St Antony’s
The Politics of Land Reform in Post-Apartheid South Africa, 1990-2004: a shifting terrain of power, actors and discourses (Politics)
2010 James Dray, Mansfield
Voter Turnout in Sub-Saharan Africa. (Politics) Political Studies Association, Arthur McDougall Prize for Best Dissertation in Elections, Electoral Systems or Representation (Political Studies Association)
Oxford 54 Theses;
Elsewhere 50 Theses at 23 Universities
Agricultural Economics: Oxford
Agricultural Extension and Rural Development: Reading.
Business Studies: Oxford Brookes
Development Studies: East Anglia 3, Oxford 6, Sussex 3.
Economic History: Natal
Economics: London (SOAS), Manchester
Geography/ Environmental Studies: Oxford 3
Government/ Politics: Essex, Leeds 3, Liverpool, London (SOAS), Mangalore, Oxford 21, Reading, Rhodes, Stellenbosch, Warwick, Witwatersrand.
History: Aberdeen, Cambridge 2, Essex, Natal, Oxford 5, Sheffield, Queens Ontario, Witwatersrand.
International Relations: Oxford 3.
Land Economy: Cambridge
Law: Cambridge 2.
Latin American Studies: Liverpool.
Management Studies and Industrial Relations: Oxford 2.
Social Anthropology: Sussex 3.
Social Policy: Oxford
Sociology: Essex, Glasgow, Manchester, Oxford 12, CNAA-Oxford Polytechnic (now Oxford Brookes), Rhodes 3, Stellenbosch, Wales (Cardiff), Witwatersand.
Soviet Studies: Glasgow;
West African Studies: Birmingham.
Faculty opponent (doctoral defence)
Politics: Stockholm. Sociology: Uppsala.
External Examiner:
Diploma in Social Studies – Sociology: Ruskin College, 1983.
- A. (Development Studies) – Sociology: University of East Anglia, 1977-79.
M.A. (African Studies) – Politics: University of Edinburgh, 1976-78.
M.Sc. (Development Studies): London School of Economics, 1992.
M.A./Hons. B.A (Sociology): University of the Witwatersrand, 1993-95.
M.A. (Sociology of Rural Development): Rhodes University, 1999-2002.
M.A. (History of Imperialism and Post-Colonial Societies): Birkbeck College, London 2001-2004
External Thesis Examiner:
Diplomas in Development, Labour, Social Studies: Ruskin College (several).
Certificate in Management Studies: Oxford. M.A. Social Psychology: Cape Town;
Social Studies: Institute of Social Studies, The Hague 2;
Sociology: Birmingham, Durham, Warwick.
M.Phil. Sociology: Liverpool, Oxford.
B.A. Development studies: East Anglia.
1962-1964 Chairman, National Union of South African Students Branch.
1963 Founder member, SAAK, Stellenbosch Aktuele Aangeleentheids Kring (Stellenbosch Current Affairs Society).
National Union of South African Students. Overseas Representative.
Attended Conferences of National Union of Students, NUSEWNI, 1964, 1965, and Scottish Union of Students (1964, 1965)
University of Durham
Active in Movement for a Democratic University (1968)
Association of Scientific, Technical, and Managerial Staff (ASTMS), University of Durham Branch (1973-1975)
University of Oxford.
Active in (successful) Campaigns against the University offering Margaret Thatcher an Honorary degree (1968).
Active in (successful) Congregation campaigns against Strategic Plan (2004) and proposals to change University constitution (2005). See below.
Co-editor, The Oxford Magazine. 2004-2010
Nursery Schools
Governor and Chair of Governors, Bartlemas Nursery School.
Chair, Oxfordshire Campaign for Nursery Education, which succeeded in reversing the decision of the County Council to close all nursery schools and classes.
Woodcraft Folk Leader, Eastwind Pioneers.
Initiated neighbourhood cycling group (Silver Cyclists).
Sponsored rides: Action Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy; Classic Oxfordshire (60/80 + 30 miles) for Against Breast Cancer; London to Oxford (60 miles for British Heart Foundation ; Westminster to Islip (65+15 miles) Birmingham to Oxford (72 miles) for Jennifer Trust (spinal atrophy); Oxford to Cambridge (88 + 11 miles) British Heart Foundation1 miles); each on several occasions and London to Paris (325 miles). (+ = ride to start) for Action Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (2013).
Action Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, Anti-Apartheid Movement, ASTMS, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, Cycle Touring Club, Liberty (NCCL), Friends of the Earth, University and Colleges Union (Association of University Teachers), The Woodcraft Folk, and The Labour Party (1979-1997).
Contributions to Debates in Congregation (Oxford University)
Supplement (1) to Gazette No. 4496 ,13 January 1999
Supplement to Gazette 4579, 14 March 2001
Vote on resolution concerning University funding and fees, 25 March 2003
Supplement (1) to Gazette No. 4749, 9 November 2005
Supplement (1) to Gazette No. 4791 Wednesday, 7 December 2006
Supplement (1) to Gazette No. 4862, 26 November 2008
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