
For complete and detailed references see: WRITING BY KIND and Ruth First

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1976/1985 Taking the part of peasants: rural development in Nigeria and Tanzania. In The Political Economy of Contemporary Africa, ed. P. C.W. Gutkind and Immanuel Wallerstein, Sage, Beverly Hills, pp. 131-154. ISBN 0 8039 0506 8/ 0592 0. Revised ed. pp. 144-180. ISBN 0 8039 2096 2/ 2097 0.

1976 There is no theory of petit bourgeois politics. Debate. Review of African Political Economy, 6, 84-89.  ISSN 0305-6224. PDF

1981 Judith Heyer, Pepe Roberts and Gavin Williams, eds. Rural Development in Tropical Africa. Macmillan, Basingstoke and .St. Martin’s New York. ISBN.  333-28448-8.

1982 Sociology of Developing Societies: Sub-Saharan Africa (ed. with Chris Allen). Macmillan, London/ Monthly Review Press, New York. ISBN 085345-597-X/ 598-8

1982 Equity, Growth and the state. Review of Report of the Commission of Inquiry into Incomes, Prices and Conditions of Service [The Riddell Report]. Africa. 52, 3, 114-120. Special Issue. Past and Present in Zimbabwe. ISSN 0001-9720.

1986 Guest Editor, Rural Africana, 25-26. Including… Introduction: farmers, herders and the state, 1-10. PDF & Rural development: partners and adversaries, 11-24.

1987 Namibia: writing for liberation. Review of African Political Economy, Sheffield, ISBN 0 9407083 – 1 – 3 ISBN 00305-6244

1987 Piotr Dutkiewicz and Gavin Williams, ‘All the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put Humpty-Dumpty together again’ Bulletin. Institute of Development Studies 19, 3, 1-6.  ISSN 1759-5436

1987 Les contradictions de la Banque Mondiale et la crise de l’état en Afrique. L’Etat contemporaine en Afrique. Sous de direction de Emmanuel Terray, In Editions l’Harmattan, pp. 359-395. ISBN 2-85802-825-7. In English as: The contradictions of the World Bank and the crisis of the state in Africa (unpublished).

1990-2004 Africa South of the Sahara. Europa Publications, London. ISSN 0065-3896. Background to the Continent:

Political and social issues in development (drawing on earlier articles by Ruth First and Robin Luckham), 1990-1991.

Africa in retrospect and prospect, 1992-1997.

Reforming Africa: continuities and changes, 1998-2003 |  PDF

Making Africa: Nationalism, development and politics. 2004. | PDF

1991 Pepe Roberts and Gavin Williams, Democracy and the agrarian question in Africa: reflections on the politics of states and the representation of peasants’ and women’s interests. In Socialism and Democracy in Africa, ed. Robin Cohen and Harry Goulbourne, Westview, Boulder, pp. 70-92. ISBN 0-8133-8052-9. PDF

1994 Why structural adjustment is necessary and why it doesn’t work. Review Of African Political Economy 1994, 60  214-225. ISSN 0305-6224 PDF

2003 Democracy as idea and democracy as process in Africa. Journal of African- American History, 88, 4, 2003, 339-360. ISSN 0022-2992. | PDF

2003 Fragments of Democracy. Nationalism, Development and the State in Africa: Sam Nolutshungu Memorial Series., Human Sciences Research Council, Pretoria, ISBN 0-7969-2026-5 ISSN 1726-0175

2004 Political economies, democratic citizenship and African studies. Review of African Political Economy, Debate 102, pp. 567-579. ISSN 0305-6224

2004 Classes, states and democratic politics in Ghana and Nigeria: A Critical Appreciation of the Work of Bjorn Beckman. In Democracy, Labour and Politics. ed. Gavin Williams,

2012 Nationalism. Nations and States. Concluding Reflections. In Eric Morier-Genoud, ed. Sure Road: Nationalisms, Nations, in Angola, Guine-Bissau and Mozambique. African Social Studies Series. Vol. 28. Leiden – Boston. pp. 231-252. ISBN 978-90-84 2261 8 / 2(paperback and e-book) ISSN 1568-1203 | PDF



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