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1980 State and Society in Nigeria. Afrografika Books. ISBN 9 7822 4104 0. 1974 Political consciousness among the Ibadan poor. In Sociology and Development, ed. Emmanuel de Kadt and G. Williams, Tavistock, London, pp. 109-140. ISBN 422 7433 0/ 7574 0. And in G. Williams, State and Society in Nigeria, 1980, pp. 110-134.. 1976 Christopher Beer and G. Williams, The Politics of the Ibadan peasantry (1975) In Nigeria: Economy and Society, ed. G. Williams, Rex Collings, London, 1976, pp. 135-158. 1976 Nigeria: a political economy. In Nigeria: Economy and Society, pp. 11-54 And in G. Williams, State and Society in Nigeria, 1980, pp. 22-67. 1976/1985 Taking the part of peasants: rural development in Nigeria and Tanzania. In The Political Economy of Contemporary Africa, ed. P. C.C.W. Gutkind and Immanuel Wallerstein, Sage, Beverly Hills, pp. 131-154. ISBN 0 8039 0506 8/ 0592 0. Revised ed. pp. 144-180. ISBN 0 8039 2096 2/ 2097 0. 1977 Gavin Williams and Terisa Turner) , Nigeria. In West African States: Failure and Promise, ed. John Dunn, Cambridge University Press, pp. 132-172. ISBN 0 5212 1801; 2/ 29283 2. And in G. Williams, State and Society in Nigeria, 1980, pp. 68-109. 1977 Class relations in a neo-political economy: The Case Of Nigeria. (1973) In P. C.W. Gutkind and Peter Waterman, eds., African Social Studies: a radical reader. New York: Monthly Review Press, pp. 284-294. ISBN [076] 0 85345 381 9 1980 Ideologies and policies of rural development: a critique. In G. Williams, State and Society in Nigeria, 1980. pp. 135-157. 1980 Agriculture in Nigeria. In G. Williams, State and Society in Nigeria, pp. 158-164. 1981 Inequalities in rural Nigeria. Development Studies Occasional Paper. University of East Angiia. 118 pp. 1982 The Nigerian Civil War. St Peter’s College, Oxford. (with Reconsidering the Nigerian Civil War, 2007) PDF 1983 The Nigerian Civil War (with M. Kiloh and J. Wilmer). Open University Case Study, Milton Keynes, 44 pp. ISBN 0-3351-0248-4. 1984 In defence of peasants. In Readings in Nigerian Rural Society and Rural Economy. Heinemann, Ibadan. pp. 366-377. eds Onigu Otite and Christine Okali. 1987 Paul Clough and Gavin Williams, Decoding Berg: the World Bank in rural northern Nigeria. In State, Oil and Agriculture in Nigeria, ed. Michael Watts, Institute of International Studies, University of California, Berkeley. Research Series 66, pp. 168-201. ISBN 0-8772-5166-5. And in part as The World Bank in Rural Nigeria revisited: a review of the World Bank’s Nigeria: Agricultural Sector Review, Review Of African Political Economy 43, 1987, 42-47. ISSN 0305-6 1988 Why is there no agrarian capitalism in Nigeria? Journal of Historical Sociology 1, 4, 345-398. ISSN 467 6443 PDF 1991 What disequilibria? people, land and food in Nigeria. In F. Gendreau, C. Meillasoux, B. Schlemmer, M. Verlet, eds, Les Spectres de Malthus: desequilbres alimentaires, desequilibres demographiques. Paris: EDI/ ORSTOM/ CEPED, Paris, pp. 375-396. ISBN 2-8513-9102-X. PDF 1993 Garveyism, Akinpelu Obisesan, and his contemporaries: Ibadan, 1920-22. In Legitimacy and the State in Twentieth Century Africa, Festschrift for A.H.M. Kirk-Greene, eds. Terence. Ranger, and Olufemi Vaughan, Macmillan/ St Antony’s, pp. 112-134. ISBN 0-3335-5078-1. PDF 1991 What disequilibria? people, land and food in Nigeria. In F. Gendreau, C. Meillasoux, B. Schlemmer, M. Verlet, eds, Les Spectres de Malthus: desequilbres alimentaires, desequilibres demographiques. Paris: EDI/ ORSTOM/ CEPED, Paris, pp. 375-396. ISBN 2-8513-9102-X. 1993 The Origins and Outcome of a Civil War, Indicator SA, 11, 2, 1993 pp. 68-72. ISSN 0259-188X. 1995 Shehu Othman and Gavin Williams, Why democracy eludes Nigeria. Africa Today Nov-Dec, 15. ISSN 1357-311X 1999 Shehu Othman and Gavin Williams, Power, politics and democracy in Nigeria, In J. Hyslop, ed., African Democracy in the Era of Globalisation, Witwatersrand University Press, Johannesburg, pp.15-71. ISBN1-8681-4331-7. | PDF
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