Social Theories
See also: Africa
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1978 Imperialism and development: a critique. World Development 6, 7/8, 925-396. ISSN 0305-750X
1978 The ‘intermediate regime’ and industrialization prospects: a comment. Development and Change 9, 655-660. ISSN 1467-7660
1979 In defence of history. History Workshop Journal 7, 116-124. ISSN 0-9043-8396-2
1997 Gavin Williams, Brian Williams, and Roy Williams, Sociology and historical explanation African Sociological Review, 1, 2, 79-95. ISSN 1027-4337. PDF
2003 Studying development and explaining policies. Oxford Development Studies, 31, 1, 37-58, ISSN 1360-0818. | PDF
2005 The Holy Trinity, or the really reduced reduced Marx, Weber, Durkheim. In Christianity and Social Change in Africa. Essays in Honour of J.D.Y. Peel. Ed. Toyin Falola, Carolina Academic Press, pp. 595-612. ISBN 1-549-6135-6. | PDF
2007 Socrates in Stellenbosch and Tutorials in Oxford. Paper presented at the Tutorial Education: History, Pedagogy, and Evolution Conference, Lawrence University, Appleton, WI, March 31 – April 1. | PDF
2010 The academic vocation in an age of commoditization. Keynote Address to International Conference onHigher Education and Globalization, University of Ilorin, 10 February, 2010. | PDF
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