Cape Wine
2003 Gavin Williams and Nick Vink, Co-operation, Regulation and Monopoly: the Cape wine industry, 1905-1997. Actas Del I Symposió de la Associación Internacional de Historia y Civilización de la Vid y el Vino, ed. Javier Maldondo Rosso. vol. II, Associación Internacional de Historia y Civilizacion de la Vid y el Vino. El Puerto de Santa Maria, Spain, pp. 705-716, ISBN 50-98489141151-7 ISSN 8489-1411 pdf
2003 Y. Chiffoleau, F. Dreyfus, J. Ewert, C. Martin, J.-M. Touzard, and G. Williams, Qualité et solidarité dans les coopératives viticoles – Afrique du Sud et la Languedoc, des enjeux communes In Jean-Marc Touzard, et Jean- FrancoisDraperi, coordonné, Les coopératives entre territoires et mondialisation. Les entretiens de Maurassan, 14-15 Decembre 2001. Les Cahiers de l’Economie Sociale– No 2, Paris: L’Harmattan, pp. 289-304. ISBN 2-7475-5123-7.
2004 Nick Vink, Gavin Williams, and Johann Kirsten, South Africa, In The World’s Wine Markets: Globalization at Work, ed. Kym Anderson, Edward Elgar, pp. 227-251. ISBN 1-8437-6 439. pdf
2005 Black economic empowerment in the South African wine industry, Journal of Agrarian Change, 5, 4, pp. 476-504. ISSN 1471-0358/ 0366. Pdf Followed up as
2006 Tortuous Path to Empower KWV Business Day Aug.11
2009 Free and unfree labour in the Cape wine industry, 1838-1988. In The Political Economy of Development: Africa and South Asia. In Judith Heyer and Barbara Harriss-White, eds. Routledge, London. pp. 179-196/ ISBN 0415 55288 5/ 0 6 86133 7 pdf
1996 Joachim Ewert, Johann Hamman, and Gavin Williams. Land Reform in the Western Cape – What is it for? How will it happen? (Gavin Williams,) Occasional Paper No 1, Department of Sociology, University of Stellenbosch, pp. 2-12. ISBN 0-9098-422814. ISSN 0797206067
1998 J Ewert, J Hamann, N Tregurtha, N Vink, C Visser, and G. Williams, State and Market, Labour and Land – the South African Wine Industry in Transition. Departments of Sociology and Agricultural Economics, University of Stellenbosch. Occasional Paper.
1999Co-operation and Market Regulation in the Cape Wine Industry Presentation to Colloquium in Montpellier, December 1999 pdf
2002 Discourses of Modernity in the South African wine industry/ Discursos de modernidade da industria da vinho sul Africana. I Simposiò Associación Internacional de Historia y Civilización de la Vid y el Vino, Funchal, Madeira. pdf
2004 Representing Wine (abstract)
2009The KWV, the Minister and the champagne. African Studies Association, New Orleans, (draft, revising)
2010 & 2014 Wine for the workers. African Studies Association UK. Oxford, University of Sussex (revising)
2012 Good Wine, Bad Wine, and Brandy Wine: the KWV and the politics of regulation, 1918-1960. World Economic History Conference. Stellenbosch.
2013 Vines and Wines in a Slave Economy with a Merchant State (unpublished, revising)
2013 Michael Bonsall and Gavin Williams,Counting vines, wines and slaves at the Cape, 1701-1793. American Association of Wine Economists Conference, University of Stellenbosch .
2013 Vines and Wines in a Slave Economy with a Merchant State (unpublished, revising)
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